Monday, September 28, 2009

Another New Hobby- GEOCHACHING

Well, I have found yet another new hobby to take up my 3 days off every week. I know.....just what I didn't need!!! But it is alot of fun and even Tony is having a blast with this hobby. We have begun the art of "geocaching" or treasure hunting. So far we have not found anything really "worth" anything, but we figure the "true treasure" is being able to get out and learn more about our area and the history that goes along with it. Plus I am getting some cool photos which is what started all this in the first place! I just wished I had discovered all these fun, new hobbies when I was not working full time!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry that I messed up your 3 days off. But hey... who really needs meals and clean clothes anyway? ;-)


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